What percentage does ridesafely charge above the BUY NOW price listed?

RideSafely charges a flat rate fee for the service of $299 for any item over $1000.

Please use fee calculator to figure out your total due on any particular vehicle. Fee calculator is located on every item description page. Related: How it works “Buy Now Vehicle” option?
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Auto Auction Fees can be waived?

If you are asking if auction fees can be waived than the answer is No. Auctions charge fees to sell a vehicle and unless the item is marked “Special Promotion” or “No Fees” listing, then it will include auction fees. Read more

I want to know if this price including all fee, or I have to pay any extra fee?

Please use our simple-to-use: Fee Calculator located on every listing.

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Do you have a flat fee or a percentage, and if it is a percentage of purchase price, what is it?

The Ridesafely.com fee is a flat-rate.

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