How to find cars nearby my area Jacksonville, Florida?

Please click on Search Vehicle on the top bar. Scroll down to where it says Distance and enter your zip code and do miles from. Once done, click Search. It should narrow it down based on your zip code. Read more

How can I obtain a key for the vehicle?

We suggest the following three ways to obtain a key for your vehicle:

  1. From VIN. Contact a local authorized dealer (for your vehicle make) and inquire if a key can be made from the VIN
  2. From Ignition Code. If the local authorized dealer cannot make a key from the VIN, then ask if a key can be made from the code engraved on the ignition. This would require removal of the ignition in order to view the code.
  3. From Ignition. Take your vehicle’s ignition to a locksmith, who will be able to make a key specific to the ignition. This usually costs under $100.

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