How are the fees calculated and what % are they?

Fees vary based on many things such as price bracket, auction type, auction, etc. Please use fee calculator located on each item description to see what they actual fees would be on that particular item. If ever in doubt, please feel free to contact us on a particular item and we will be happy to assist you. Read more

How can I find out which options are on a vehicle? Will a CarFax give me that info?

No. Carfax will not give you what options are available. You can try google or
If you need more details, you can try contacting that dealership and give them the VIN number. The original dealership should be able to tell you what options are on that particular vehicle. Read more

What percentage does ridesafely charge above the BUY NOW price listed?

RideSafely charges a flat rate fee for the service of $299 for any item over $1000.

Please use fee calculator to figure out your total due on any particular vehicle. Fee calculator is located on every item description page. Related: How it works “Buy Now Vehicle” option?
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Do you need a dealership license to buy cars with you guys? What are the total fees for using your service?

No. You do not need to be a dealer to buy through us. The fees may vary based on different things such as auction type, price, etc. Please use FEE CALCULATOR located on each item description page to view your maximum fees based on your bid amount. Read more

How can I inspect the vehicle before i bid it?

Only registered dealers with that particular auction can inspect the vehicles. Regular public are not allowed for inspections. Most of the time, you would have to guesstimate the damages based on pictures and description of that item. Read more