I want to know if this price including all fee, or I have to pay any extra fee?

Please use our simple-to-use: Fee Calculator located on every listing.

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Do you have a flat fee or a percentage, and if it is a percentage of purchase price, what is it?

The Ridesafely.com fee is a flat-rate.

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How can I see the extent of damage that was repaired?

In most cases you cannot. You would have to really rely on pictures and the damage description to assume the damage. If you wish, you can call our office at (215) 289-0300 and we can try to check if we have any additional information for you. Read more

What does the Title Designation ‘DIS/DLR/EXP ONLY’ Indicate?

Understanding ‘DIS/DLR/EXP ONLY’: This designation specifies the dealer license type required to place a bid on the vehicle. It is a detail relevant to our operations and does not impact our customers’ bidding process.

Should you have further inquiries, our RideSafely support team is ready to assist. Connect with us directly at (215) 289-0300.

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Team RideSafely.com