I’m not a dealer i just want to buy a vehicle from the auction

You do not have to be a dealer to purchase through us. All you need is a valid driver license or a passport if you are from overseas.
Please register first. Registration is quick and free and you can start browsing thousands of listings which are updated daily. Read more

Preliminary bid and closed bid is the last price on bidding or is there more bidding?

Once the preliminary bidding closes on our site, live auction will begin at the insurance company auction. We will be presenting the highest bidder at the auction up to their max bid. Please keep in mind, if the item sells for less, you get it for less. Related FAQ. Read more

Do you accept debit cards? Does the deposit process for a debit work the same as a credit card?

Yes, we do accept debit cards. However, they do work a bit longer than credit cards. Banks tend to hold the funds and process refunds slower than credit cards. Related: Do you accept credit cards? Read more