Documentation FAQs
- How long will it take to receive the title after winning the auction?
- With “Buy Now,” do I receive the title at pickup, or is it mailed later?
- What does “Title: Pending for 30 Days” mean?
- When will I receive the title, and how will it be mailed to me?
- Why did I receive a different title type from another state?
- What does “May Become Salvage Upon Ownership Transfer” mean?
- Is the title “Texas Original” eligible for registration in the U.S.?
- What does “Bill of Sale as a Title Description” mean?
- What does “Reissue VIN Branding” mean?
- What does “WI CLEAR-IGNITE TBO” mean?
- What does the “TBO” title mean, and is it restricted to dealer bids only?
- What does “FL Certificate of Destruction for Export Only. US Customers – Parts Only. No Title” mean?
- Do salvage cars need to undergo a reconstruction inspection?
- What does “Minnesota Peddle Non-Public Clean Title” mean, and is it recognized as a clean title in other states?
- What does a Reconstructed or Rebuilt title mean?