What is an auction pre-bid price?

Auction Pre-Bid is current price at the vehicle auction. It is the price that actual auto auction will start with (first bid at live auction).
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Where are the vehicle listings for the Mountain States?

Please visit our RideSafely Auction site to use our easy car-finder will help you find a vehicle that will meet your needs! Here, get easy steps for researching, choosing and buying a used vehicle on RideSafely Salvage Car Auction: “Vehicle listings for the Mountain States
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What is “reconstructed title or rebuilt title”?

When a vehicle is involved in an accident, and salvaged by the Insurance Company, it has to be reconstructed before being placed back on the road. After the vehicle is repaired, it`s inspected by an authorized mechanic and certified by the DMV as reconstructed to manufacturer specifications. The DMV issues a `reconstructed` title, which is treated the same way as a “clean” title regarding registration and insurance purposes. Please note http://www.ridesafely.com does not guarantee that all title denominations can be reconstructed in any particular state or country. Please refer any title questions to your local DMV.