What does “Clean Title (may become a salvage vehicle after ownership is transferred as per NMVTIS regulations)” mean?

Generally, vehicles with clean titles can be registered without issues. However, please be aware that any vehicle purchased through a salvage auction may be reclassified as salvage due to NMVTIS regulations. In such cases, you would need to undergo a local reconstruction process to obtain a rebuilt or reconstructed title. While this situation is rare, it is important to consider the possibility and prepare accordingly.

See also

If you have questions about title transfer regulations or NMVTIS compliance, please feel free to contact our RideSafely support team at (215) 289-0300. We’re here to assist you with any inquiries.

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Team RideSafely.com

Updated: September 16, 2024, 9:40 PM  

September 16, 2024   6465   RideSafely    Documentation    
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