What does this means on vehicle titles. If buy this am i good to run/use vehicle on the roads and will be able to register it in DMV or not.

And if possible can y tell me which vehicles i cannot run on street/register with DMV. I am from california and it’s making me confused. I see this title on one of the vehicle in which i am interested in buying. RI CLEAN TITLE (MAY BECOME SALVAGE UPON OWNERSHIP TRANSFER AS PER NMVTIS REGULATIONS)

All clean titles, you should be able to register them with no problems. Please do keep in mind, any vehicle sold through a salvage auction may become salvage due to NMVTIS law (in which case you would have to go through a local reconstruction process to obtain a rebuilt/reconstructed title). This happens extremely rarely, but can happen.

If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at (215) 289-0300.

Auto AuctionThank you,
Team RideSafely.com

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Updated: February 1, 2018, 10:32 AM  

February 1, 2018   6381   RideSafely    Documentation  
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