What is “reconstructed title or rebuilt title”?

When a vehicle is involved in an accident, and salvaged by the Insurance Company, it has to be reconstructed before being placed back on the road. After the vehicle is repaired, it`s inspected by an authorized mechanic and certified by the DMV as reconstructed to manufacturer specifications. The DMV issues a `reconstructed` title, which is treated the same way as a “clean” title regarding registration and insurance purposes. Please note http://www.ridesafely.com does not guarantee that all title denominations can be reconstructed in any particular state or country. Please refer any title questions to your local DMV.

Does the vehicle have keys?

Many vehicles from Insurance Auctions come without keys. Sometimes keys are lost at the auction lot, during moves of the vehicle between and within auction lots, or in transit. Therefore, we do NOT guarantee the availability of keys, even when they are visible in the photographs. Read more