Do you need a dealership license to buy cars with you guys? What are the total fees for using your service?

No. You do not need to be a dealer to buy through us. The fees may vary based on different things such as auction type, price, etc. Please use FEE CALCULATOR located on each item description page to view your maximum fees based on your bid amount. Read more

How do I cancel my bids / order?

All bids are binding. You may still have an option to cancel your bid if the item hasn’t gone through the auction and we haven’t purchased the item yet. Read more

What is meant by an Oversized Item Incurring Unusual Transportation Cost?

That means that not all shipping companies are able to accommodate a large item. It will most likely mean that you would need to hire a specialty company that can handle large items which usually come at a higher cost that regular shipping company. Read more

I was online to check the various cars you have in your garage and with bid prices, but to my surprise, i learnt all those prices are not real. why is it so?

We are a broker for insurance company auctions. The prices we have listed are either a buy now prices the auction has set or current bid prices from either the auction or one of our customers. Read more