Due to licensing restrictions you cannot bid on this item – Why?

Why does the vehicle I am interested in say “Due to licensing restrictions you cannot bid on this item.”? Can’t private citizens bid on your auctions? Or does one have to be a dealer?

It means that the documents included in a particular item only allows for export. You will not be able to register this item in USA. Some of these may have an exception to use for parts only in USA.

You do not need to be a dealer to bid on cars listed on our site. Some restrictions do apply based on state licensing or ability to process/register the vehicle. In most cases like these, you would have to contact us first at (215) 289-0300 so that we can discuss it with you prior to bidding.

If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at (215) 289-0300.

Best regards,

Auto AuctionCustomer Service
Team RideSafely.com

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Updated: August 4, 2017, 12:03 PM  

May 23, 2017   3927   RideSafely    Vehicles  
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