It’s been a while, and I’ve forgotten all the fees. What are all the fees for an item priced at $300.00, $500.00, and $700.00?

RideSafely charges a flat fee of $299 for items over $1,000. For items below that price, fees start from $199. Additionally, there is a $150 documentation fee, along with a variable auction fee. For a detailed breakdown of auction fees, simply click the green bid button, enter your bid amount, and use the fee calculator. This tool provides a comprehensive summary of all charges you’ll incur.
Car auction fees

Need further assistance? Our team is here to help. Reach out to us at (215) 289-0300.

RideSafelyThank you,

Updated: January 1, 2024, 5:44 PM  

February 23, 2021   2612   RideSafely    Payment  
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