What does Bill of Sale as a Title Description mean?

Bill of Sale usually means that the vehicle does not come with a title and may be used for parts only. If you have the inventory number, we could provide you with more accurate information.

In order to be granted access to bid on this item please contact Customer Service at (215) 289-0300 for access to this item. Or you can send an email to info[at]ridesafely.com stating that: YOU ARE AWARE THAT YOU ARE BIDDING ON AN ITEM THAT IS PARTS ONLY AND THAT IT CANNOT BE REGISTERED IN THE UNITED STATES. You will need to include either a link to the vehicle from our website, or provide the Year, Make, Model, and Inventory number from our website to the vehicle.

Please note that for vehicles that will be exported, please contact your exporter, as certain PARTS-ONLY or BILL OF SALE ONLY items may need to be dismantled before being exported.

If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at (215) 289-0300.

Auto AuctionThank you,
Team RideSafely.com

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Updated: May 8, 2019, 11:51 AM  

May 8, 2019   3532   RideSafely    Documentation  
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