What does ‘CA Clear – Dealer Only, $178 DMV Fees’ mean?

The designation “CA Clear – Dealer Only, $178 DMV Fees” indicates that the item has a pending California title and is available only for dealers to bid on. As your trusted proxy dealer, RideSafely ensures your participation in these exclusive dealer-only auctions. This means you can rest assured that you will receive a clean title. Please note that there are DMV fees of $178, which you must pay before registering the vehicle.

If you need help with vehicle auctions or any other inquiries, please feel free to contact RideSafely’s expert team at (215) 289-0300.

RideSafely Auto Auctions LogoThank you,
Team RideSafely.com

Updated: May 28, 2024, 5:27 PM  

May 21, 2024   9936   RideSafely    Documentation  
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