Payment FAQs
- Do you accept e-checks from business owners?
- I submitted payment in Canadian dollars; in what currency will my refund be remitted?
- Can insurance auto auction fees be waived?
- Can I complete my transaction through my PayPal account under $3,000?
- How can I make a payment from the UAE?
- I am from Nigeria; how can I make payments to you in Naira?
- What extra fees do you pay for a “Buy Now” vehicle?
- Could you provide the wire transfer instructions?
- I sent the full payment for the vehicle I purchased, but my invoice still shows an outstanding balance. Why is that?
- I have a dealer license; do I have to pay a deposit to register?
- Do you guarantee the estimated pre-sale price for salvage?
- Will my deposit be deducted from my final invoice, or will it be refunded to my bank account?
- How do I activate my account and connect my PayPal account to my RideSafely account?
- Can I have an account with RideSafely where I can deposit money to pay for a vehicle won at auction?
- I don’t see any purchase in my account, although I was the last and highest bidder