How do we pay the security deposit?

When you log into your account, you’ll notice an “Increase Limit” option at the top right corner. Here, you can enter the amount you intend to bid. The system will then prompt you for the required deposit, which can be made using a credit or debit card. Please note, this action merely secures your deposit and does not automatically place a bid for you. Additionally, when placing a pre-bid and acknowledging the associated fees, the system offers you the option to submit your deposit via credit or debit card as well.

See also

Should you have any further questions or require more assistance, feel free to reach out to the RideSafely team at (215) 289-0300.

RideSafelyThank you,

Updated: February 7, 2024, 5:18 PM  

February 7, 2024   323   RideSafely    Payment  
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