Payment FAQs
- What percentage does RideSafely charge above the “Buy Now” price listed?
- Do you accept loan checks for the cars in your “Clean Vehicles” section?
- Do I need to pay taxes when I purchase an item?
- Why is there no refund option in my account?
- What are the Copart fees if I win a bid through RideSafely?
- How can I replace my discontinued Visa credit card with another card?
- Besides the flat rate fee for vehicles over $1,000, are there any other fees involved?
- Can I pay the deposit via PayPal from Albania?
- After my purchase, do I need to pay any fees, such as an auction fee?
- Are debit cards accepted for “Buy Now” automobile purchases?
- After I send my wire transfer, how do I confirm it was received?
- What happens if I win a bid and don’t make the payment on time?
- Why do I have to pay for a bid while the bidding process is ongoing?
- If you don’t win the bid on the car you were interested in, do you get the deposit, $299 service fee, and $150 documentation fee refunded?
- How do you pay for shipping?