Payment FAQs
- Why do I have to pay an Auction Fee and RideSafely fee?
- It’s been a while, and I’ve forgotten all the fees. What are all the fees for an item priced at $300.00, $500.00, and $700.00?
- Do you accept debit or Visa cards?
- Can I pay full amount with my debit card if I win an auction?
- Why can’t I use my debit card to pay the required deposit?
- When winning an auction can you finance or do payments on how much is owed?
- How do I get a Wire Transfer refund?
- Credit Card Hold FAQ
- How will I be able to pay from Ghana?
- What are the methods of payment to be able to make an offer at auction?
- If we have a deposit and don’t buy can we get the money back?
- I can’t request a refund even though I didn’t win the car, and it has been more than three days since the auction for the item ended. What should I do?
- Do deposits made for bidding get refunded or are they put towards the total bill?
- Do you accept cash?
- How much is the security deposit?