Can I purchase an item directly from an Insurance Auction without submitting an offer?

Many vehicles are available for immediate purchase at a fixed price, as the Buy Now option on RideSafely indicates. However, most vehicles listed through insurance auctions require participation in bidding, where the highest bid secures the vehicle. It’s important to note that most vehicles featured on our website are at Insurance Auction sites and are usually available only to licensed and registered buyers. At RideSafely, we hold licenses and registrations at every auction, enabling us to represent you effectively, submit your offers, and purchase vehicles on your behalf from the Insurance Auctions.

See also

For further inquiries or assistance regarding the “Buy Now” option, feel free to reach out to RideSafely Support at (215) 289-0300. Our team is ready to help you with any questions you might have.

RideSafely Auto Auctions LogoThank you,

Updated: May 13, 2024, 7:32 PM  

May 13, 2024   5278   RideSafely    Process  
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