What does the bid amount include?

The bid amount on RideSafely.com primarily represents the vehicle’s auction price. However, it doesn’t encompass associated expenses such as auction fees, RideSafely service charges, loading fees, documentation fees, transportation expenses, and so forth. These costs are supplementary to the bid amount.

  • The exact fees can differ based on the vehicle’s value, the specific auction, and its location.
  • This pricing structure is known as “all-in” pricing.
  • RideSafely offers “all-in” pricing to enhance the customer experience.
  • “All-in” pricing provides clarity and transparency to the purchasing process.
  • It ensures that customers are informed upfront about the total expenditure.
With us, you’ll encounter no hidden charges or unexpected costs.

(Please be aware: A $150 documentation fee is applicable, and it is not factored into the offer price.)

If you have additional questions or need assistance, our RideSafely team is here to help. Connect with us at (215) 289-0300 for prompt support.

RideSafely Auto Auctions LogoThank you,
Team RideSafely.com

Updated: January 14, 2024, 9:45 PM  

February 24, 2016   6345   RideSafely    Process  
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