Do I need to agree to the terms of the Deposit Agreement and Purchase Order Agreement before submitting my offer?

No, you aren’t obligated to agree immediately. However, it’s crucial to understand that you must agree to the terms of the Agreements to be able to place offers on our site. Remember that when you click the ‘SUBMIT’ button, you effectively agree to the terms of the Deposit and Purchase Order Agreement. For your convenience, you can review your e-signed Agreements for each vehicle you purchase under the My Documents section. Additionally, should you need copies of these documents at any point, please don’t hesitate to email our Customer Service Department with your request.

For any clarifications, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our customer service at 215-289-0300.

RideSafely Auto Auctions LogoThank you,

Updated: April 24, 2024, 7:46 PM  

February 24, 2016   5415   RideSafely    Process  
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