Does winning a bid on this site mean I’ve actually won the vehicle, or do you take our highest bid to the auction to “see” if it wins?

When you place the highest bid on our site, we then represent your bid at the actual auction. Our strategy involves bidding in the smallest increments possible at the live auction to secure the best possible price for you. However, there are instances when items may sell for a higher price, leading to a lost sale for you. Should we be unable to acquire the vehicle on your behalf, rest assured that your deposit is fully refundable.

If you have any further queries or need assistance with RideSafely’s services, our dedicated support team is just a call away. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at (215) 289-0300 for prompt assistance.

RideSafely Auto Auctions LogoThank you,

Updated: March 4, 2024, 7:18 PM  

May 23, 2017   3871   RideSafely    Process  
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