How many bids are allowed at one time?

If you are interested in bidding on more than one item, please note that new customers who have not yet made a purchase are limited to bidding on a single vehicle at a time. If you already have an active bid on one vehicle, you will need to contact Customer Service before placing a bid on an additional vehicle. You can reach us by calling (215) 289-0300, emailing info[at], or by initiating a conversation through live chat apps such as Instagram, Telegram, Facebook Messenger, or WhatsApp. In your communication, please confirm that you understand the responsibility of potentially winning and paying for multiple vehicles. Include the link to the vehicle(s) or specify the Year, Make, Model, and Inventory number for each vehicle you’re interested in. This ensures that we can assist you efficiently.

If you have any additional questions or require further assistance, please feel free to reach out to RideSafely at (215) 289-0300. We’re here to help!

RideSafely company logo showcasing its distinctive brand identity.Thank you,

Updated: July 15, 2024, 4:55 PM  

July 15, 2024   585   RideSafely    Process    
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