Why was the RideSafely bidding deadline extended?

At RideSafely.com, if a bid is placed within the final 5 minutes, we extend the bidding deadline by an additional 5 minutes. This ensures that customers have the opportunity to revise their bids, fostering a fair and competitive auction environment. As a service company, we aim to secure the highest possible bids to present at insurance auctions. We advise customers to submit their best bid early, enhancing the probability of the affiliated dealer securing the vehicle for them and reducing the need for last-minute bid escalations.

For further assistance, our dedicated support team is available at (215) 289-0300.

RideSafelyThank you,
Team RideSafely.com

Updated: November 7, 2023, 7:06 PM  

February 24, 2016   2373   RideSafely    Process  
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