Process FAQs
- What does “Sold on Approval” mean?
- What does “Non-Public Title” mean for a vehicle?
- What happens to a car if it does not sell at auction?
- Can I attend and bid at a live auction?
- Do I need a dealer license to bid on or buy a car at an auction?
- Where is the Fee Calculator located exactly?
- Does the highest bidder always win?
- Does winning a bid mean I’ve actually purchased the vehicle, or do you submit our highest bid at the auction?
- How can I find out when the live auction starts?
- Why did I receive a notice that my bid was no longer the highest after RideSafely’s bidding ended?
- If I have the highest bid at the end and there’s no live bidding, do I automatically win?
- What does the bid amount include?
- How long does it take to get the results of a winning bid at an auction?
- If I have created a “watchlist” of several vehicles that will be auctioned live simultaneously, how can I find out the run numbers for each saved vehicle ahead of the actual start time for live bidding?
- What is the interval between pre-bid and live auction?