How do I Place Bids Online at an Auction?

First, place a bid on a vehicle before the specified deadline.

  1. The bid is placed in PENDING status.
  2. In order for the bid to be accepted and presented, the customer must ACTIVATE the bid by submitting a $400 or 10% deposit (whichever is higher).
  3. The customer with the highest ACTIVE bid is notified shortly after the deadline of being the highest.
  4. Next our affiliated dealers, on customer`s behalf, present your bid to the Insurance Auction (closed to the general public).
  5. If they win the vehicle at the Insurance Auction, our affiliated dealer acquires the vehicle for the customer, who is required to pay the balance within 2 business days.
  6. If the affiliated dealer does not acquire the item, the deposit is refunded to the customer upon request.
  7. Alternatively, the deposit can be applied towards an offer on another vehicle.

If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at (215) 289-0300.

Best regards,

Auto AuctionCustomer Service team


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Updated: December 22, 2016, 7:21 PM  

December 5, 2016   2798   RideSafely    Process  
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